
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Keep Soldiering On

Just a traveling soldier
walking the path forgotten long
searching for a clover
hiding beneath the grass
who would care to remember us
and who might we forget
need there be any regrets
or a woe, perhaps two to despair
keep soldiering on, boy
now is not the thought to look back
nor the time to walk
keep marching onwards, lad
spare not a farthing for a word
odds are towards lies and deceit
or an abuse flying as dart
shiny glimmer of an accusing threat
clickity clack as we march on
towards the looming sun on the horizon
somehow the skies are different today
thought there may never be enough love
or even the sight of respect
but breathe steady as you scare to scramble
or seeds may never bear to root
for there is only one hand for courage
and another for the sligthtest care in grace
As destiny would cross the bridge of time
and this life be put to measure
I remember I looked to the heavens as a child
wondering what they meant
when they said godspeed
From the run of games I stooped to march
did i stop to love and understand
what was it like to live again
all that i saw, is it any more than a dream
I know it changed within the moment of wake
and wait for everything to come to an end
as we soldier on to yet another day


Rambling Rambling Rambling...

1 comment:

  1. We had charge of the light brigade in 19th century, and Now we have this in the 21st.

    Beautifully written
